Friday, May 7, 2010

SWC team back to work after Vappu break

After the final presentation in Hub, three people joined our team. Christine, Irina, Lorendana and Stefania, oh no, that's...four!

The new team had the first meeting on May 5th in Hub to brainstorm how we should move on with the project - we're eager to. As we've realized, it is important to know what the elders would really need us to do instead of thinking up things for them. But anyways, we concluded with a few things that we think might be good to go with:

-- Meet with Tiina and get to know more about the Laajasalo day event and see what we could do for it.
We emailed Tiina telling her that we're back to work again, and she was calling for help! There doesn't seem many people who're exited about doing things for the elders. So, we are needed!

-- Develop a website/blog for Sofia through which more people can get to know it as a lively and welcoming elderly home. It could also provide as a tool for Sofia to organize events and invite outsiders.

-- Make a video or something like that to promote elderly homes like Sofia and raise awareness of the issue of elderly care. Duong would be making a free hug campaign with her school friends and Sofia will be part of it.

-- Create more self-empowerment tools for Sofia so that the residents can be active in making a difference for themselves and others in the society. This is inspired by how the survey and idea box we gave out had made them think and participant in Sofia matters. We had in mind the idea of bringing volunteers to Sofia and we will continue to think about this. But elders can also be active makers instead of just passive receivers of services. After all, many of them do have a lot to contribute to the society.

We'll soon visit Sofia again to have the results of the surveys and discuss with Tiina about what we would really do next.

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